6-8 Aug 2009
Third year going to Lake Powell with the company. This year we are using both planes to get the guys to the lake.
Both planes, N133PA and N780CA sitting in front of Western Flight Carlsbad California. Griff and I getting ready to pack the guys on board.
The little FBO at Cal Black U96 airport.
Both planes sitting on tarmac at U96.
On the lake steaming through one of the canyons.
Chilling out with my Corona and stogy.
Panoramic view of the house boat moored in a little out cove.
Some of the guys went to the dock to get ice cream and beer. They also brought back one of the lake carts. It was re engineered to hold a person, be pulled by a ski boat over land and then end up on the water.
As Griff says "Casper on the water"
Panoramic view of both planes at U96.
Playing with fire. Sobie bomb. This one blew up and threw glass every where.
Another bomb. this worked the way it was supposed to work.
Casidy going all out. Land, water, land, and back to water. It was amazing that the cart stayed together.
Hoppie taking the high road.